
Friday 2 November 2012

Magazine first draft.

This is my first draft for my magazine article review on Dystopia. I have not yet written my reveiw of the film, so instead I have used Lorem ipsum dummy text. I have eited the landscape version of the photograph to have a blue, fintage lomography filter. I also added a subtle black to transparent gradient on the right hand side to help the white text show up.

Upon receiving feedback on my magazine it has had mixed opinions. The majority of people really liked it. They liked the modern typography, and the vintage style photograph. However, other feedback has stated that although it looks nice as a piece of graphic design, it does not look like a film review that you would see in a magazine like Empire or Total Film.
I am going to remake this, and try and take all the elements people like about this and turn it into a generic magazine article. 

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