
Monday 10 December 2012


Dystopia is a post-apocalyptic thriller that follows young protagonist, Tom, through his endeavours to seek salvation in a violent and remote world. Tom escapes from his home after having learnt of the infection spreading across the population with his girlfriend Louise but are confronted by one of the many infected neighbours that inhabit his village. However, one neighbour, Sean, has not been infected and comes to Tom and Louise’s rescue wrestling the infected man to the ground. They escape in Sean’s car but a devastating crash kills both the driver and Louise leaving Tom to have to continue into the harsh wilderness alone.  He is forced to sleep in forests and eat what natural food he can find until one day, after having spent the night at the food of a tree, sleeping, Tom stumbles upon a house amongst the trees – Spiers Bank. Tom decides to investigate and manages to pick the door lock with his glasses. Once inside he navigates his way to the kitchen where he finds tinned food, he decides to steal the tins knowing that it could be the last food he ever eats but as he is doing so, the man who is living in the house returns home and is aware of Tom’s presence. The strange man makes his way through to the kitchen, gun in hand, but as the man is searching Tom sprints past the window. The man was too slow; Tom has escaped with his food and his life. Tom walks off into the distance still not knowing what lies ahead for him.

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