
Monday 10 December 2012


Distribution is a very important and main aspect of film post-production. We have discussed heavily as a group how we will market our film and what film institutions we would get to distribute our film if it were to be released for a blanket released.

We have decided that if we were able to get any company on board with our film that we would choose Paramount and Film 4. Paramount is a very large conglomerate film institution in the USA and would be able to handle a blanket release for Dystopia with relative ease. Other companies that are part of the conglomerate, such as mp3 websites, studios and advertising agencies would be able to aid in our effort to get Dystopia known across the US and to create a fan base around the film.

We also decided that we would try and get Film 4 on board to handle the UK and European distribution. Film 4 would be able to handle blanket releases across the UK and Europe through itself and partner companies like Pathé. They would be able to advertise for free on their own TV channels like Channel 4, Film 4, E4 and 4Seven cutting down costs but at the same time creating massive awareness of the film.

Having such big institutions on board with our film, as well as our own production company – Escapade Productions, would create massive funding for the project and allow us to make the film to a much higher standard. 

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